About Us
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hello to all the internet users around the globe.
Warez Update was made especially for all of you who seek on a daily basis the latest software,music,movies,movie trailers e.t.c.
With that in mind we will try to deliver all the latest to you for free.
I hope you all enjoy it here at Warez Update…
If you want to be our Author's Team please contact us and we have any rules, reading bellow:
- How to Join Our Authors Team
- How to posting and follow the rules
How to Join Our Author's Team:
We are proudly announce that now you can join our author's team. We have been recieving mails in which people say that they want to be the part of this blog, they want to help us.
After thinking on this now we are opening first set of registrations. so, if you want to be the part of this beautiful site which is now more than 5 months old. And your traffic site is most best such like in Alexa rankings must be under 1.000.000.
Friends as you all know this is a blog so we have some limitations we can add only 100 author's and some of these places has been occupied by the Warez Update Staff. So, we have limited place. That's why we are looking for the serious posters.
So, if you are really interested to join us and really want to support us we welcome you.
There Are some Rules For Authors Posting:
1. Registration will Be given on First In First Out Basis because we have limited places.
2. We do not want zero posters. So we have decided that every author must make atleast 5 post in 7 days. If you do not post 5 post in 7 days, you will be issued a warning. Three Warning and you will be deleted from our author team.
3. While Posting you must follow the all Posting Rules.
That's All...
Please Read All The Rules Carefully Before Posting Anything:
1. The only language which is used on this site is ENGLISH.
2. Do not use any special Character in Title of the post...keep your post's Title clean and straight to the point.
3. Please do not use distracting words in post title like Hot, New, Crack, Serial, Keygen, RS, MU, etc. Using these words in title of the post is Strictly Prohibited.
[If you have anything special to say or you really want to use banned words you can use in post summary section but not in the title, please check previous posts made by most wanted downloads authors for reference.]
4. You cannot write your whole post in Bold/Italic/underline or any other color than Black.
[Only where necessary you can use them, please check previous posts made by most wanted downloads authors for reference.]
5. All files must be convert to .RAR and give the password. The password key must be same with our global password. Download this password key from here [PASSWORD] and after you know the password key, you must give all files extract with password our password key. And don't forget to give comment in extract progress "add to archive..." with this file [COMMENT], you can edit your comment and author's but don't edit the 2 URL password key information. After that, when u post a file in our blog, please insert this code on the footer:
For download links put this code:
<form name="form" method="post" action=""><span style="font-weight: bold;">Download Links:</span><textarea name="textarea" cols="80">YOUR URL DOWNLOAD LINK</textarea></form>
For download password links put this code:
<div style="border: 3px dashed red; padding: 10px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: -moz-initial; -moz-background-origin: -moz-initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial; width: 480px; text-align: left; color: black;"> <div align="center"><b style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><strong>Download Password Key:</strong></b>This file you download need a password to extract the .RAR files, just download from links below and enjoy it. File size only 135 Kb.
<a href="http://www.ziddu.com/download/1778071/warezupdatepass.EXE.html" title="Download Here by ZIDDU" target="_blank" style="color: blue; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none;">DOWNLOAD LINK 1</a> or <a href="http://w14.easy-share.com/1701031616.html" title="Download Here by EASY-SHARE" target="_blank" style="color: blue; font-size: 12px; text-decoration: none;">DOWNLOAD LINK 2</a></div></div>
6. Information is crucial so always add it to Your post (screen shots, if available, as well).
[Please remember do not put more than one image on the summary part of the post, only main relevant image may come to the homepage else will go to the post page. Please check previous posts made by most wanted downloads authors for reference.]
7. Do not post TRIAL/DEMO versions as they are easy to find.
8. If You want to add a reply to Your topic OR You want to change your post, please use the EDIT Posts Option instead of making double-posts.
9. You cannot post torrent, edk2k, magnet links, Please avoid posting those.
10. You may NOT post your links more than once if found warning OR you could be Banned.
11. Do not post Pornographic (image, text, video, links, passwords, etc...) will result in immediate ban. Porn is Strictly Banned here.
12. No Advertising of Websites, Blogs, Money Making Schemes, Trading of goods, and or referrals. You will be banned straight away.
13. Flaming, Spamming, Rudeness, Racism, Discrimination will not be tolerated.
14. You are responsible for your posts so please careful while posting.
15. Do not post hacking utilities flooders, spam tools, Virus making tools/tutorials, or anything that can do damage.
16. Please Check all downloads before posting here, if possible.
17. Please Select Right Category for your post.
A maximum of 3 warnings can be given to a Author of this Site. These can be earned by breaking any of the above rules. After the 3rd warning given, You will be Removed automatically, When You are banned, You cannot Post anymore!
Rules can be upadeted and changed at any time so please check them at continous interval.
We appreciate the time You took to read these RULES.
Enjoy Your stay here and please DO OBEY THEM!
Kind Regards
The Admin WarezUpdate & STAFF